Posting 100126: Deploy All Resources Action

Deploy All Resources ActionPAI Trigger
05.20.2020 20:57
05.28.2020 12:51
A Deploy All Resources Action , and associated NERC Energy Emergency Alert Level 2 [EEA2], has been issued. - Member Generation Dispatchers raise all available online generating units to full output (Emergency Maximum). - Member Generation Dispatchers start up all offline generation as soon as possible and ramp to full output (Emergency Maximum). - Member Curtailment Service Providers with Load Management (Pre-Emergency and/or Emergency) reduce load immediately when dispatched. - Transmission/Generation Dispatchers notify management of the emergency procedure and that they should consider the use of public appeals to conserve electricity usage. - Member dispatchers notify governmental agencies, as applicable. Additional Comments: This is a TEST message within the TRAINING (TRN) environment. If you receive this message via email/text, then you are setup for such messages within the TRN environment. If you'd like your TRN environment email/text notifications disabled, please email Production (PRD) notifications have "(PRD)" within the subject. Repeat THIS IS A TEST message.